
DZ international trading special tool (大重外贸专用工具) Contact AuthorEmail: socoolby@gmail.com
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in iOS App

Contacts tool can import and export contacts to Excel or .VCF.It supports deletion of all contacts once and merges duplicate contacts. Back up contactsSupport exporting all or part of the mobile phone
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Noise Decibel Meter

in iOS App

Noise Decibel Meter can test the noise decibel level and automatically record the measurement results, allowing you to better understand and manage the noise in your environment.Support real-time deci
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in iOS App

Pic2Card white border QR code Picture square photo square picture Add text, QR codes, and border to the photo, give the beauty of the picture for white, support solid color and gradient border. Make
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in iOS App

Sound Speaker A text to speech App. Supports English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, etc. You can set the speech rate, intonation, volume. Contact AuthorEmail: socoolby@gmail.com Twitte
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Round Frame

in iOS App

Make a round avatar, add a border, give the picture the beauty of blank space, and support solid color and gradient borders.Create your photo as a circle.You can resize the image border and choose the
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Section Timer

in iOS App

Section Timerfocus and break timer Section Timer is simple design. Help you to focus on your work, take proper breaks and regain focus. work efficiently, focus and manage your time effectively. Cont
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XVim2Xcode 的 Vim 插件,多用快捷键,少用鼠标。 Carthage使用 Carthage 代替 Cocopods 以便于减少编译的时间,不过 Carthage 无法在 Xcode 定位到源码,而且库也没有 Cocopods 全。不过稍微配置一下,工程可以同时支持 Cocopods 和 Carthage Apptium、XCUITests除了做 UI 测试之外,开发的时候,如果在写某个
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使用快捷键代替鼠标操作使用鼠标操作,需要把鼠标移到目标上面,然后按下单击,另外比如菜单里的选项可以需要移动点击多几次。所以相同的操作,使用鼠标去点肯定没有按快捷键快。 提高按键效率包括三个方面:硬件、操作和软件。 硬件方面:所谓工欲善其事,必先利其器。一个好的键盘布局,能减少敲键时手的移动距离。比如从键盘标准手势到方向键的距离,包括右手从键盘到触摸版或者鼠标的距离。一直买键盘都不考虑带数字键盘
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硬件:MacBook Pro 15DELL P2416DiPad Air2Kindle Paper white 3iPhone 6SOnePlus 1Synology DS216play 键鼠:HHKB Type-SMagic Mouse 2Magic Trackpad 1Apple Wireless KeyBoard G6 其它配件Henge Docks CliqueYogastand
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